среда, 5 июня 2013 г.

Урок 59. Проблемы со значением русских слов. Омонимы (+ Примеры). Часть I. Lesson 59. Problems of meaning: Russian words. Homonyms (+ Examples). Part I.

Homonyms arise in several ways. Firstly, as a result of phonological change a word may come to coincide in sound and form with another word of different origin (as is the case with the pair лук). Secondly, identical forms may develop as a result of the processes of word-formation, by the addition of distinct suffixes to a root (e.g. удaрник). Thirdly, it very often happens that an existing word takes on quite a new meaning (e.g. свeт).
We also include here a few words (e.g. ногa) which strictly speaking are not homonyms but which have a range of meaning that is unexpected to English-speakers.
Many of the examples given here are full homonyms (i.e. they have identical pronunciation and paradigms, e.g. ключ in its different meanings), while others are partial homonyms (i.e. they do not share all the forms which each word possesses, e.g. мир, which does not have plural forms in its sense of peace).

Examples of homonyms

блок bloc
брaк matrimony
defective goods, rejects
вид air, appearance
shape, form, state
view (e.g. from room)
aspect (gram term)
врeмя time
tense (gram term)
вязaть to tie
to knit
глaдить/поглaдить to stroke (e.g. animal)
to iron (clothes; pf also выглaдить)
гнaть to chase, drive, pursue
to distil
голос voice
голубь (m) pigeon
горло throat
neck of bottle (though as a rule the dimin form горлышко is used in
this sense, except in the phrase пить из горлa (D), to drink straight
from the bottle)
горн furnace, forge
губa lip
bay, inlet (in northern Russia)
tree fungus
дeрeвня country (i.e. not town)
долг duty
жaть (жму, жмёшь) to press, squeeze
(жну, жнёшь) to reap
жeртвa victim
land, soil
икрa caviar
calf (part of leg)

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