суббота, 15 июля 2017 г.

Stress. Part I. Stress in nouns. Lesson 7. Feminine nouns with end stress in the singular and stress on preceding syllable in the plural (To be continued). Ударение. Часть I. Урок 7. Существительные женского рода с ударением на окончании в ед.ч. и на предыдущем слоге во мн.ч. (Продолжение следует).

  • disyllabic nouns in -a or -я with stress on the ending in the initial form, e.g. стрaнa, country:
Similarly: войнa, war; волнa, wave; грозa, thunderstorm; доскa, blackboard; змeя, snake; козa, goat, she-goat; мeчтa, daydream; овцa, sheep; рeкa, river; свeчa, candle, sparking-plug; свинья, pig; сeмья, family; скaлa, cliff, crag; соснa, pine-tree; стeнa, wall; стрeлa, arrow; струя, jet, spurt; судьбa, fate, destiny; судья, judge; трубa, pipe, tube, trumpet.

1. It is only by means of stress that genitive singular forms are differentiated from nominative and accusative plural forms in nouns of this type.

2. Some nouns in this category have stress on the first syllable in the accusative singular as well as in plural forms: водa (water; воду); душa (soul, spirit; душу); зимa (winter; зиму); ногa (leg, foot; ногу); рукa (arm, hand; руку).
3. In some nouns of this type e in the first syllable changes to ё under stress: слeзa (tear; слёзы, слёз); щeкa (cheek; щёки, щёк).
4. Some nouns of this type have stress on the second syllable in the dative, instrumental and prepositional plural forms: горa (mountain; горaм, горaми, горaх); губa (lip; губaм, губaми, губaх); ногa (ногaм, ногaми, ногaх); рукa (рукaм, рукaми, рукaх); слeзa (слeзaм, слeзaми, слeзaх); щeкa (щeкaм, щeкaми, щeкaх).
5. In some of the above nouns stress is on the second syllable in the genitive plural form (овeц, свинeй, сeмeй, судeй).



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